
02 April 2011

i'm stressing out !!

ohhh!!! please.. i don't know what to do now. my mind keep thinking bout my ACC116 test. it's already 5 hours ago but why i can't forget it ??!!!!

aku risau sebab the 1st question i think i wrote the wrong basis. tak tahu lah. rasa nya benda simple but sometimes i'm perfectionist. aku tak boleh terima kesalahan yang aku sendiri buat. aku dah bercerita dekat my sister and also my ehem ehem. but... it still in my mind. aku juga dah buka movie instead of doing my revision for my final but everything is like useless !!

and YOU bloggie, you're my last alternative. it's 2.26 am now and i can't sleep before i tell you EVERYTHING that make my mind really serabut. it's all about ACC116.

bukan apa. aku cuma risau pointer aku. i know that my family depends on me. i take the responsibility to give the best for my own family. aku tak boleh terima kalau aku gagal. aku taknak gagal. even my family know how am i when i'm fail. my final exam is just around the corner. and i want to do the best !! THAT'S MY PROMISE.

ehem ehem, remember our promise that we will study harder for our final ok. i know you can do it. we will do it TOGETHER ok ??!! thanx again sebab sudi dengar my bebelan for this 2 days. i don't know why but from day to day, my mood become worst. asyik nak marahhhhhh je !!

HOPEFULLY everything gonna be fine. and please, pray for my success.


1 comment:

  1. adoyaii , dah2 laa tuu .. bnde da bwat pon , xley wtpe da kan .. chill :DD
